Wednesday, July 25, 2007

mY mOsT vAlUaBlE

My MoSt VaLuAbLe i have right now is my FaMiLy because if i have a problem in my study and in financial she/he always there to support me and guide me in a right pathway.In my FaMilY there is a strong foundition..

My FaMiLy is my insperation in my study and i hope we'll be close an tell the in end of this world and Have a hapi Family forever.

Monday, July 23, 2007

My pReLiM

mY prelim experience i'm hapi to meet my new frens and classmate came from other school..i enjoy to mingle them even i cannt know her/his attitude to became my fren...but i trying my best to show to them that i'm a good fren and hapi person..
I choose that title My AngLe because evethough i have more trials and problem came in my life My AnGle is there to give an advice that we should strong...many of my frens asking me that why you choose that title my AnGlE??hmmm..ok..because every time i have a problem I share to him that i didnot know how to solve my own problem...i have a fren that open to share, accept and give an advice but you know i'm a shy gurl i cnnt share to them....